The following macros are supported for audio inventory buyers. They can appear in impression and quartile URLs, as well as in the companion banner. However, they should be avoided in the audio media files (e.g. the  URL to the mp3 file).

Please consult Our Help Centre for Macros for Buyers


Macro Description
OpenRTB Macros
AUCTION_ID As per OpenRTB specification.
AUCTION_BID_ID As per OpenRTB specification.
AUCTION_IMP_ID As per OpenRTB specification.
AUCTION_SEAT_ID As per OpenRTB specification.
AUCTION_AD_ID As per OpenRTB specification.
AUCTION_PRICE As per OpenRTB specification.
AUCTION_CURRENCY As per OpenRTB specification.
Inventory Macro
PUB_NAME Name of publisher; e.g., "KSAD_RADIO"
PUB_ID Numerical ID of publisher; e.g., "4052"
STATION_NAME Name of station; e.g., "KSADFM"
STATION_ID Numerical ID of station; e.g., "17083"
Listener Macros
COOKIE The Triton Digital cookie ID.
AD_ID The mobile advertising ID, whether device runs iOS or Android (i.e., an IDFA or AdID).
IDFA The Apple IDFA (iOS devices).
GAID The Google advertising ID (Android devices).
IP The IP address of the device.
USERAGENT The User-Agent header of the device.
Buyer Macros
CREATIVE_ID The ID of the creative as sent by the DSP.
BUYER_ID The ID of the buyer as sent by the DSP.
Transient Macros
RANDOM A random string for cache busting.
CACHEBUSTER A random string for cache busting.
TIMESTAMP UNIX timestamp in seconds.